since launching our Bring-Your-Own-Device license (docs, shop) last month, we've been blown away by early implementations.
BYOD - 1st build in TRMNL history
BYOD + Waveshare (ruohki)
BYOD on a small screen
BYOD + IKEA frame
BYOD + Bambu Lab (JackR)
OK not BYOD, just TRMNL inside a Macintosh (Jerrod Hofferth)
with poor documentation, a handful of DIY tinkerers created their own TRMNL.
but therein lies the wrinkle -- BYOD was only accessible to experienced hackers.
until now.
introducing trmnl-display
designed and implemented by Marcus, this is a simple utility that converts any Raspberry Pi device into a TRMNL. just add water screen.
quickstart connect to your RPi via SSH, or open the on-board command prompt, then:
# install
sudo \curl -sSL | bash -s
# run
sudo trmnl-display
sudo trmnl-display -d # dark mode
... and you're done. this installer will auto detect architecture and return the appropriate build for your device.
when you run the `sudo trmnl-display` command you'll be asked to input an API Key, accessible from TRMNL > Device > Edit.
with over 60 million Raspberry Pi in circulation, we hope this build will encourage at least a few of them to discover a new use case.
and for the 7.9 billion non-developers in circulation (probably accurate?), we hope this build can help you stay focused, without needing to learn to code.